WHAT BIG TEETH YOU HAVE! Bigger, sharper teeth than our ramblings in the on-line Oldham Evening Chronicle, which are being strangled by ever increasing censorship or moderation as they call it. We, the people of this town have no collective public voice to shout on our behalf, willing to question and challenge the lunacy visited upon us by the numpties in The Tower Of Babble, various thieving MPs, the legions of PC police at GMP, PAT'S, PACT'S, academy lovers, transport 'experts', vastly overpaid Council Officers from Charlie Chuckles downward, quangoes, placemen, do-gooders, do-badders, tree huggers, Brussels and Alcock! You get the idea? We intend to remedy this via the revamped Pigsticker. Now with added fibre. If any of you out there want to join us in restoring the town to it's former pleasant aspect, please feel free to submit articles. No moderation on this site!

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

£45M BLACK HOLE - - - No problem we'll spend our way out of it.

Awash as our Council is with spare cash. It is no surprise to see that it was found necessary to replace most of the furniture from the Tower of Babble. Councillor Topspin said, "Labour neglected these areas shamelessly, so they presented a terrible, run-down impression to visitors, with rickety furniture and old equipment. We believe that if you look like a basket case, you will be taken for one. Visitors now see a smart and businesslike looking Oldham Council and our reputation is rising." No, we are NOT a basket case. We passed that point a long while back and are still descending. Is this talentless air headed old bag for real? Smart and businesslike? Does the old fart not read the local papers or 'The Oh Shit Gazette' as we now refer to council minutes. Ask Judge Foster how smart y'all are. Also you self preening windbag, who paid for all this furniture? We did of course. So why are the people of this town not allowed to have any of it? There are many in this town could make good use of what you and your band of wastrels have discarded in that skip. I'll warrant it's not just the one skip, either. By the way folks, since 2007 the bastards have spent  £400,000 of OUR money on furniture. Now it's rickety again. Just like the talent using it.

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