WHAT BIG TEETH YOU HAVE! Bigger, sharper teeth than our ramblings in the on-line Oldham Evening Chronicle, which are being strangled by ever increasing censorship or moderation as they call it. We, the people of this town have no collective public voice to shout on our behalf, willing to question and challenge the lunacy visited upon us by the numpties in The Tower Of Babble, various thieving MPs, the legions of PC police at GMP, PAT'S, PACT'S, academy lovers, transport 'experts', vastly overpaid Council Officers from Charlie Chuckles downward, quangoes, placemen, do-gooders, do-badders, tree huggers, Brussels and Alcock! You get the idea? We intend to remedy this via the revamped Pigsticker. Now with added fibre. If any of you out there want to join us in restoring the town to it's former pleasant aspect, please feel free to submit articles. No moderation on this site!

Monday, March 1, 2010

What next??? Eating, Breathing???

Old Holborn is carrying the story of Nick Hogan, jailed for six months for 'Allowing people to smoke'  in his Bolton pub. Click onto the OH site to read the full story and contribute to OH's fund to get Nick released. It's a worthy cause.
Read the story here.
We must fight back against the creeping control freaks who are trying to regulate us into submission. Did we ever think we would descend to this level in this country?  There will shortly be no pubs left to enforce the 'ban' in. See the pub closure counter in the sidebar to see the damage the Government tossers have caused to one of our great recreational facilities. We must get the ban repealed otherwise the thought police will move onto something else we enjoy and put a stop to that also.  We don't want Government meddling in our lives. Nobody forced non-smokers into smoking pubs. If you don't like it, stay out. This is supposedly a free country. Why do we meekly roll over and accept everything the bleeding heart liberals and tree huggers, throw at us.  The gutless Government fall in with any populist crap trying to curry favour. They didn't make it an offence to smoke in pubs. They knew they couldn't hope to prosecute  every single smoker so they made it an offence to  ALLOW  people to smoke in pubs, threatening the livelihood of thousands of landlords and the closure of large numbers of pubs. All you smokers huddled together on almost every street. It's time we made a stand. Landlords should be free to choose if they want to allow smoking or not. Nobody asked us.

Old Holborn UPDATE: Under the health act of 2006, it is the responsibility of the owner or the controller of "smoke free" space to uphold the law. It is NOT illegal to smoke in a shop or on a train. It IS illegal for the owner or controller of the space to allow you to smoke.

NOT TRUE: It is illegal for the OWNER to allow you to smoke in these premises

So smoke everywhere you like and the most that can happen is the owner can ask you to stop. He is not a policeman, he has no legal powers to physically stop you smoking and no one can be prosecuted for smoking a cigarette in a smoke free area*
For example, it is not permitted for BT to allow smoking in their phoneboxes, but it is THEIR responsibility to stop you from smoking in one.
I make a habit of lighting up everywhere and simply waiting to be told politely to go outside. I've been abroad you see......

* You can be where naked flames are banned, for example a Petrol Refinery or inside an aircraft.

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