WHAT BIG TEETH YOU HAVE! Bigger, sharper teeth than our ramblings in the on-line Oldham Evening Chronicle, which are being strangled by ever increasing censorship or moderation as they call it. We, the people of this town have no collective public voice to shout on our behalf, willing to question and challenge the lunacy visited upon us by the numpties in The Tower Of Babble, various thieving MPs, the legions of PC police at GMP, PAT'S, PACT'S, academy lovers, transport 'experts', vastly overpaid Council Officers from Charlie Chuckles downward, quangoes, placemen, do-gooders, do-badders, tree huggers, Brussels and Alcock! You get the idea? We intend to remedy this via the revamped Pigsticker. Now with added fibre. If any of you out there want to join us in restoring the town to it's former pleasant aspect, please feel free to submit articles. No moderation on this site!

Monday, August 27, 2012


Here we go again Oldham Lie-Bour Chronicle tugging their forelock to their masters.

What exacly do they mean when they say Oldham Council 'Only' spent  £47,317 on the Mayoral role in the past year? Is this meant to make us feel good? How does the Chron know Oldham's mayor is good value for money compared with other local authorities? How many other LA's have they compared apart from Kirklees Council who spent over £146,000 for the same job? The respective costs for the two are £129 per day for OMBC versus £400 per day for Kirklees. That's a huge difference for the same job.  The director of resources for Kirklees said it was unclear whether the two councils had used the same methods to calculate mayoral costs. Anybody from the Chron investigate further?  Can nobody find the figures used to calculate the cost? Is anyone going to try? Given the usual mendacity of Oldham councillors it is more than likely that the figures are similar but Oldham's set of artful dodgers have probably had the books in a slow oven for some time and the real cost will be buried elsewhere. There will be the usual string of excuses as to why they cannot produce the 'actual' figures - you know the score:- 'The dog ate them,'  'an office junior left them on a bus,'  'they accidentally fell into the shredder,' 'burglars broke into the Civic Centre and stole them,' 'there was a huge fire in the records dept. luckily the fire brigade were able to confine the blaze to the purchase ledgers and the councillors allowance book.'

The new Mayor Councillor Olwais Chattering, took over the chains of office recently. About as much use as a stripper in a nudist colony. Should be chained to the wall at the bottom of that fucking great 'ole on Union Street.

This is another 47 council taxes gone. The total now is 1,309 council taxes just blown into the wind and nothing to show for them. 

Come on Oldham get off your arses - ask some questions - demand answers - don't let the slippery bastards get away with it - - IT'S YOUR MONEY!!!!!

1 comment:

  1. Have you asked for the details of the spending on the Mayor under FOI? If you are unsatisfied with the Chronicle's reporting maybe you could do some investigation yourself?



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