WHAT BIG TEETH YOU HAVE! Bigger, sharper teeth than our ramblings in the on-line Oldham Evening Chronicle, which are being strangled by ever increasing censorship or moderation as they call it. We, the people of this town have no collective public voice to shout on our behalf, willing to question and challenge the lunacy visited upon us by the numpties in The Tower Of Babble, various thieving MPs, the legions of PC police at GMP, PAT'S, PACT'S, academy lovers, transport 'experts', vastly overpaid Council Officers from Charlie Chuckles downward, quangoes, placemen, do-gooders, do-badders, tree huggers, Brussels and Alcock! You get the idea? We intend to remedy this via the revamped Pigsticker. Now with added fibre. If any of you out there want to join us in restoring the town to it's former pleasant aspect, please feel free to submit articles. No moderation on this site!

Thursday, January 20, 2011


Well fuck me! As if we didn't have enough to contend with! No sooner does the disgraced and disgraceful EX-MP for OE and Sadd start papping and squawking about how was such a good member, (member being the operative word), than we have that other waste of oxygen, the lobotomy known as Michael Moocher spouting the odds at us about how he and his party are totally blameless for the fuck-up, we, the people of this town, find ourselves in. In a full page diatribe in the Oldham Evening Counc Chronicle the vacant lot from High Wycombe tells us how hard WE are going to have it.
Oldham is the 42nd most deprived local authority in the country he tells us. Well, none of that came about on your watch did it Mickey. All these tales told by the old timers of when you first blighted our lives forty years ago, are all fantasy,eh! When he first started to dip his bread,  this town was a afflicted with  great industry, employment, facilities, amenities connections to other parts of the country and other such things, alien to the Lie-bor mindset.  He now tells us .. 'over a quarter of residents live in households with incomes below £15,000 a year.' Has he any concept of that statement? £15,000 a year? That's about what the money grabbing bastard is claiming for his SECOND home allowance. Part of the over £140,000 a year he claims in ' expenses,' this on top of his £65,000 a year salary. And this sanctimonious bastard talks to US about poverty? He claims the local housing market is a disaster area. He could help solve it. Why doesn't he rehouse some of those in the ' disaster area ' in one of his eight, nine or is it ten or more homes he owns. After all we probably paid for them.
Most of the forty wasted years of his parasitic sinecure have coincided with that most useless and destructive force of nature: a Lie-bor Council. They are all alike, tarred with the same brush, in it only for what they can get out of it. Not a fucking idea between them. Too busy trying to do the others down, they have no time or interest in trying to improve things. It's pure class and money envy. What has he brought to the party? Fuck all is probably an exaggeration! What has he benefited this town?  He hates the place, the inhabitants and even visiting the town never mind living here.
He spouts lists of people from various services who are in danger of losing their jobs due to cost cutting measures. No mention that these same services are top heavy with Lie-bor tit suckers appointed during the reign of his hero Brown, the one eyed, snot gobbling Scottish tantrum.
He asks, 'why is this happening?' His explanation: " It is because, as everyone knows, the bankers by their reckless greed derailed the whole economy and had to be bailed out at a cost of tens of billions of  pounds."  No you moronic twat, the banks did not HAVE to be bailed out. The same Broon, the financial wizard, the master of fiscal policy hadn't a fucking clue what to do, so he did what all Lie-bor fuckwits do when perplexed, he threw money at them. The same policy applied to local and national services. Money was hurled ad lib to each and every service with no accountability or checks. Local piss-ants grabbed as much as they could to expand their empires. Tier upon tier of unnecessary jobs created. Now we are seeing the results. Yawning chasms in finances, millions having to be cut from budgets to try and claw the country back out of  the vast pit of debt in which it finds itself.
The simple minded scumsucker tells us all this misery is because the Government chose to reduce the budget deficit rather than by running a job creation programme. What fucking jobs would you create Meac£er you mong? We have no manufacturing industry any more. We are weighed down with huge unemployment  exacerbated by Lie-bor's immigration policy. Most of the working population is sucking the state tit, be it as the ranks of the unemployed, members of the thousands of quangos set up by Lie-bor for their cronies, able bodied people claiming disability allowances and the like or simply the hugely overstaffed Lie-bor fiefdoms.
This has got to stop. There must be a cull. We cannot continue down this path. It was announced this week that the national debt is now over 1 trillion pounds. Do you understand that figure folks? It's a 1 followed by 12 noughts: ie £1,000,000,000,000. What this means is: We owe £15,954 for every man, woman and child in the country. That's more than £34,614 for every person in employment. Just to cover the interest will cost every household  £1,883 this year. This is the legacy, the poison chalice passed on to us by the twat Meac£er and the useless wankers called Lie-bor. Any regrets? Any remorse? Any apologies? You have got to be fucking joking! It's everybody's fault bar theirs.Will they acknowledge the fact, will they admit it? Will bears stop doing whatever it is they do in the woods?
Let me leave you with his words of wisdom ringing in  your ears. "What is so painful about all this is that the people of Oldham have done nothing to deserve it." Oh yes they have sunshine! year after year after year they have kept voting you and your ilk back into office. Any constituency where the voters had a bit of nous and you wouldn't have lasted forty minutes. You are a charlatan, a parasite preying on what you perceive to be the underclass. The sooner this town is rid of you and your indifference, the better.
I suppose we'll now be hearing from Meac£er's suppository, the meretricious little toe-rag, Sutty the brown nosed ratter.We look forward to the wit and repartee of the Lie-bor party bumper fun book emanating from his vapid mind. HE is to letter writing what Howard Sykes is to synchronised swimming.


1 comment:

  1. BB,

    True.We have one of Meacher's mates in Bolton the esteemed David Crausby,he must have attended the Brown school of misinformation he to believes that everybody,THATS EVERYBODY, would have been unemployed by monday morning if we hadn't bailed out the banks.COCK!!



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