The Oldham Improvement Board, (OIB) was set up by Oldham Council and underemployed chief waste of space, Charlie 'Turd' Parker. Members comprised mainly councillors, sundry members of quangos already having a finger in the pie and three out of work ex chief executives. It was set up after our grinning fool of a Chief Executive, Charlie 'Turd' Parker, "identified" a series of weaknesses. Most of these have turned out to be inside his head.
It's brief was to monitor the Council's plans, oversee progress on key matters then massage the egos of the brainless twats in the council chamber. This is what
THEY are supposed to be for. This is what we thought we were electing them for. It is surely their role to oversee the 'plans' that they are responsible for, not just turn up every month for afternoon tea and an expenses envelope. Similarly with the plethora of managers, under managers, over managers and other sundry, overpaid, under-worked jobs-for-the-boys, who pack the council workforce. Are none of these capable of doing their job properly without someone peering over their shoulder. If not then we know where to start the slimming down process.
The OIB brains trust has now published it's report. Guess what??? Everything in Oldham is A-OK, with fantastic services and the people of Oldham are well satisfied with their inspirational set of
cunts..counts councillors. This farrago of nonsense has now led to an outbreak of songs of praise. OIB has praised the Council, the report from OIB has been praised by Cabinet, the Council has praised the OIB and last but not least the Cabinet has praised the Council. Did you follow all that? Talk about brown nosed arse lickers!
What is so wonderful about our councillors and their plans for the town as set out in this report, you may ask?
OK here goes:
1. The securing of Metrolink in the Town Centre. The Union St branch-line (if it ever arrives), is not in the Town Centre. The location of the actual Town Centre is now lost in the mists of time and the dog's breakfast of a dump around the Spindles Shopping Error.
2. A high satisfaction rate for waste disposal and street cleaning. This can only be self-satisfaction by our cloud of numpties. Do you know of anyone satisfied with the waste disposal farce and the hordes of overflowing wheelie bins congregating on every street corner like delinquent teenagers? Did you ask for a fortnightly collection? Did you ask to be allowed to wheel your bin quarter of a mile to the nearest pick up point. Did this rabble of assorted self-important pillocks ever come down your street and see the shite strewn everywhere,(especially around the wheelie bin pick up points), the sweet smelling grids gleaming as they wait to carry off the gentle rain? Did they take note of the crisp-packet bushes planted all over the borough by our elected arseholes and the ankle deep detritus outside all the take away money laundering establishments in the town?
3. Success of the Sports Development Service. This is probably down to their endeavours with the Churchill swimming hole at Uppermill, the Clayton goal-post painting schemes and their putting up a board with the names of people they have never heard of, who, they believed, played sport of one sort or another.
4. Outstanding fostering service. Who are these people to decide if this service is good bad or indifferent? What knowledge do they have of the subject? Did they ask any adoptees if they were ecstatic about the service or is it just another quango assuming that because there were quite a few adoptions all must be OK?
5. Outstanding Pupil Referral Unit. We should be good at that considering the number of truants, problem kids and non-learners thrown up by our woefully under-performing schools.
6. A highly rated Adult Learning Service. Well they have to learn sometime. Schools are so mired in an ideological morass that most youngsters leave school knowing virtually nowt.
And that's it basically!
No mention of the (non) value for money we get for our Council Tax, highest in Greater Manchester. No mention of our lack of facilities, amenities, transport links, industry, jobs etc. No mention of the shit-hole that is the Town Centre. No mention of the no go areas of the town. No mention of the dirt and squalor. No mention of the Council services that are actually fucking crap. Roads, potholes, the winter gritting fiasco, the Tommyfield to tents so we can have a car park connivance. Oh, we could go on and on, but we forget this is all about singing from the songs of praise hymnsheet, (published by OMBC price very reasonable).
Deputy leader of the Council Jackie Starturn unbelievably said, "The fact we were 'brave' enough to bring in external people to scrutinise our work is a great achievement."
Brave, you fucking imbecile? If the fuckety fucking lot of you had the slightest grasp of what the fuck you are supposed to be doing, we wouldn't need external scrutiny. Where the fuck would we be if every company and organisation had to keep calling in outsiders to see if they were doing their job properly? In the old far off days when this was a prosperous, busy town, with a full complement of amenities, attractions and employment, councillors didn't need the help of outside hangers-on to run the town. They instinctively knew what was required and provided it at good value for money for our citizens. The buzzing noise you can hear is the poor bastards spinning in their graves. Our local news, the Oldham Evening Councillor, fearful of being excluded by the deluded, believes all this crap and tells us "We're going places." Aye we are. Down the shitter!!
Fat fuck Sykes, Feeder of the Council said, " This report clearly shows we have made significant progress and I would like to thank the board for it's 'invaluable' work.
Do you want to bet it's invaluable? It will have been valued very generously and
YOU and
I are going to pick up the tab.
What do you think the going rate is for a sleaze of councillors, several quango hoppers and three out of work ex spongers? Let's see if our worthy leaders will tell us.